Well it all started on Father's Day. Me and my family all went up to my Grandma's house for dinner. Dinner was at 4 in the afternoon. So we ate and when we got done, we all went outside and sat on the porch and talked. Me and Herm were going to go down to wal-mart, but I had to go and use the bathroom first.. I went in and my water started to break. So everyone was leaving and I told Herm that we needed to go home and get our stuff and go to the hospital. He asked why and I told him that my water is starting to break. He asked me if it was the real thing. You see, we went over to the hospital a couple of times the past weeks and nothing. So we were getting discouraged. So we headed over to the hospital and my doctor came in at 6:30 that night and said that we were not going to leave this time, that we are having a baby. The doctor told me that if I had not stated into labor by 7 in the morning, that he was going to put me on the pit and speed things up a little. Well nothing happen, so they put me on the pit. By 3 o'clock in the afternoon on June 22, 2009, I started to push. At 4:39 p.m., we got Connor Scott Olsen. He weight 8 lbs and 2 oz and was 21 1/2 inches. He was born on my late brother Twinkie's birthday. That day will always be very special to me. He was doing great, but I was not. I started to bleed out and the doctor did not think he could stop it, but he did. So we didn't have to go in the OR. I really don't remember much until later that night. We had to stay in the hospital for 5 days because of me losing a lot of blood and Connor had jaundice and had to stay under lights. That was the greats day of mine and Herms life. We got our baby boy!!!